Friday, March 22, 2013

Unit 3- Day 7

Test Day!

You should have gotten your maps for the next Unit (North Africa/Middle East) as well as the Maps/Graphs/Charts worksheet! If you didn't get those, come grab them ASAP!!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Unit 3- Day 6

Culture Day! We shared our Day in the Life projects and talking about European culture!


Our Unit 3 test is next class!
Remember to turn in all late assignments no later than tomorrow!!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Unit 3- Day 5

We finished our discussion on nationalism today and started talking about STANDARD OF LIVING and the EU. Remember to complete that handout (to section 6) on the EU for next class!

PowerPoint on Nationalism
Nationalism handout
Information on Basque nationalism- (this includes that extra credit article on Catalonia)
Standard of Living and EU handout

REMEMBER- Your Day in the Life and Current Event papers are due NEXT CLASS!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Unit 3- Day 4

We took our Europe Map Test today! Remember- you can retake the map tests as many times as you need. We also started a lesson on nationalism and the role it played in European history as well as the role it currently plays in modern-day Europe.

Class handout

Unit 3- Day 3

Today we finished our discussion on the fall of Communism and began talking about Balkanization! We discussed the breakup of Yugoslavia and watched portions of a film entitled Once Brothers. The film follows two members of the Yugoslavian National Basketball team and how the ethnic tensions between Croatia and Serbia affected their relationship and the team as a whole. The movie is available on Netflix if anyone wants to watch the rest of it (which I recommend doing- it's very interesting)!

Class handout

Monday, March 11, 2013

This Thursday (the 14th)

This Thursday during lunch we will have a presentation on Cambodia and Vietnam in the classroom. 

Attending this can count as your Culture Project for this term so come, take notes, and learn about the fascinating culture of Southeast Asia! 

Also, this Thursday after school I will show a foreign film

This can count as one of the foreign films you need to see and write about before the end of the term. If you want to come, get a permission slip from me and have your parent/guardian sign it. 

Unit 3- Day 2

Today we began covering the Cold War and the fall of Communism! The links to everything are below:

Class note guide

HOMEWORK: Read this article on Balkanization and remember to do your assignments from the Homework Committee (if you don't remember what your assignment was, ask others in your committee).

We also broke into committees and read about one event that led to the fall of Communism. Each committee needs to present on the event they were assigned. The event summaries are here if you need to read up on the one you need to present!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Unit 3- Day 1

We started the Europe/Russia unit today! We organized our classroom into a communist society with each student in a separate committee with distinct classroom responsibilities. (If you were absent when we divided into committees, please check your period's PowerPoint below to find out what you do).

We also began a discussion on the history of Russia and how the Industrial Revolution led to the people accepting communism.

Remember to read the "Life Under Stalin" article below for next class! You DO NOT have to answer the questions on the back of the article.

Unit 3 Plan
Day 1 PowerPoint
Class handout- note guide
Life Under Stalin article

Period 2 Committees
Period 7 Committees
Committee Descriptions

REMINDER: Your foreign films are due on March 22nd along with either your Cultural Experience OR Book Report. I will be showing a foreign film next Thursday, March 14 after school- if you would like to come, please have your parent/guardian sign this permission slip and give it back to me:
Foreign Film Permission Slip

Missing Assignment

Some of you have said you cannot find the Forces of Change worksheet we did. Below is another link to it:

Forces of Change assignment

Friday, March 1, 2013

Guns, Germs, and Steel Documentary

Some of you missed the day in class when we watched a portion of the documentary Guns, Germs, and Steel. It is available on Netflix (watch episode two entitled "Conquest") or below is a link to the episode on youtube.